Block 008 007

Line group 008
Find bus
Assignment history
8 Fraser
8 Fraser
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station
8 Fraser to 41st
07:1926:1318:54MTuWThF (1/02-4/16)
HeadsignStartEndDurationService days
8 Fraser07:1907:2900:10MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station07:4208:3200:50MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser08:3209:1600:44MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station09:2910:1500:46MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser10:1511:0000:45MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station11:0911:5900:50MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser11:5912:4600:47MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station12:5713:4600:49MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser13:4614:3500:49MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station14:5515:4600:51MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser15:4616:3700:51MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station16:5717:4700:50MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser17:4718:3700:50MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station19:0119:4300:42MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser19:4320:2600:43MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station20:5021:2600:36MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser21:2622:0500:39MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station22:2022:5600:36MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser22:5623:3100:35MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station23:4424:1500:31MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser24:1524:4800:33MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Downtown/To Waterfront Station24:5525:2600:31MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser25:2625:5900:33MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07
8 Fraser to 41st26:0626:1300:07MTuWThF (1/02-4/16) -2/20 -4/07