418 Kingswood/22nd St Station

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418 22nd St Station
418 Kingswood

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Route diagram
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418 22nd St Station

direction A

418 Kingswood

direction B

Trip length





410 022HTC
104 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
13:3619:5206:16MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 029HTC
104 22nd St Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
418 Kingswood
15:0221:2606:24MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 032HTC
104 22nd St Station
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
418 Kingswood
418 To Boundary Rd
14:0218:5004:48MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 039HTC
155 Braid Station via Hospital
418 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
418 Kingswood
14:3119:3105:00MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 043HTC
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
14:5117:5903:08MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 044HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
418 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
418 Kingswood
418 Kingswood
15:2019:1203:52MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 052HTC
104 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:1009:2304:13MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 054HTC
104 22nd St Station
388 Carvolth Exchange
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
388 22nd St Station
418 Kingswood
05:2409:5204:28MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 060HTC
104 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
418 To Boundary Rd
06:0219:1013:08MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 063HTC
101 Lougheed Station
110 Lougheed Station
112 New West Station
116 Edmonds Station
119 Kingsway To Edmonds Station
129 Holdom Station
133 Edmonds Station
134 Lake City Station
136 Lougheed Station
418 22nd St Station
418 22nd St Station
101 22nd St Station
110 Metrotown Station
112 Edmonds Station
116 Metrotown Station
119 Kingsway To Metrotown Station
129 Patterson Station
133 Holdom Station
134 Brentwood Station
136 Brentwood Station
418 Kingswood
06:2623:1916:53MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 064HTC
418 22nd St Station
418 Kingswood
06:5408:5001:56MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 065HTC
104 22nd St Station
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
418 Kingswood
06:0310:0103:58MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 067HTC
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
418 Kingswood
07:0309:4102:38MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 073HTC
104 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
04:3921:2716:48MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 079HTC
101 Lougheed Station
104 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
410 22nd St Station
418 22nd St Station
101 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:4025:3219:52MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 080HTC
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:1024:4619:36MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 082HTC
104 22nd St Station
128 8th Avenue To Braid Station
155 Braid Station via Hospital
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
104 Annacis Island
128 8th Avenue To 22nd St Station
155 22nd St Station via Hospital
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:1525:5320:38MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 088HTC
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
05:4417:0211:18MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)
410 092HTC
410 22nd St Station
410 22nd St Station via Fraserwood
418 22nd St Station
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station
410 Brighouse Station via Fraserwood
418 Kingswood
04:2418:0413:40MTuWThF (1/01-4/14)