016 29th Avenue Station/Arbutus

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016 29th Ave Station
016 Arbutus

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Route diagram
Locate buses

016 29th Ave Station

direction A

016 Arbutus

direction B

Trip length





016 001VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:0525:5420:49MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 002VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:2219:2013:58MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 003VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:3921:0115:22MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 004VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
05:4922:2416:35MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 005VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
06:1118:5612:45MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 006VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:1918:3611:17MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 007VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
07:0119:4112:40MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 008VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
07:0918:2911:20MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 009VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:2625:4018:14MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 010VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:4026:1018:30MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 011VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
07:5420:4812:54MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 012VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
08:0917:4809:39MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 013VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
08:3618:2809:52MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 014VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
7 Nanaimo Station
16 Arbutus
16 Hastings
7 to Hastings
04:4808:5204:04MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 015VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
05:1909:2204:03MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 016VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
05:5709:3703:40MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 017VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
06:2009:0702:47MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 018VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
06:4309:2802:45MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 019VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
06:2410:0703:43MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 020VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:5610:1004:14MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 031VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
14:1719:0804:51MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 032VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
15:0925:1010:01MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 033VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
15:0224:1409:12MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 034VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
15:3923:1707:38MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 035VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
15:3821:4606:08MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 036VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16:3825:2108:43MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 037VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16:1023:4307:33MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
016 011VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:3021:4816:18Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 012VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:5025:1719:27Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 013VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
7 to Hastings
05:3821:2315:45Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 014VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:1025:2320:13Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 015VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:0426:1720:13Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 016VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
06:0518:0612:01Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 017VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:2925:4719:18Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 018VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:5917:4910:50Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 019VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:1824:0416:46Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 020VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:4425:5318:09Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 021VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
08:1122:0813:57Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 022VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
09:3224:4715:15Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 023VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
10:5817:1906:21Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 024VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
11:3421:0609:32Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 025VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
12:0618:2606:20Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 026VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
12:3618:5606:20Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 027VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
13:0719:2506:18Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 028VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
13:3718:2304:46Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 029VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
14:0718:5504:48Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 030VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
14:3723:4109:04Sa (6/24-9/01)
016 011VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:0217:2511:23Su (6/24-9/01)
016 012VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
05:5725:3919:42Su (6/24-9/01)
016 013VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:2225:5119:29Su (6/24-9/01)
016 014VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:3923:3716:58Su (6/24-9/01)
016 015VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:3122:0515:34Su (6/24-9/01)
016 016VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
07:0117:0310:02Su (6/24-9/01)
016 017VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
06:5023:5417:04Su (6/24-9/01)
016 018VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
08:1425:2217:08Su (6/24-9/01)
016 019VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
08:0019:4311:43Su (6/24-9/01)
016 020VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
08:2922:5714:28Su (6/24-9/01)
016 021VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 To Kingsway
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
09:1226:0516:53Su (6/24-9/01)
016 022VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
10:1714:4304:26Su (6/24-9/01)
016 023VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
16 Arbutus
10:5025:0914:19Su (6/24-9/01)
016 024VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
11:4520:4509:00Su (6/24-9/01)
016 025VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
11:3617:3906:03Su (6/24-9/01)
016 026VTCT
16 29th Ave Station
16 Arbutus
12:2219:4507:23Su (6/24-9/01)