509 Walnut Grove/Surrey Central Station

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509 Walnut Grove
509 Surrey Central Station

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Route diagram
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509 Walnut Grove

direction A

509 Surrey Central Station

direction B

Trip length





319 010STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
314 Surrey Central Station
320 Langley Centre
326 Guildford
329 Surrey Central Station
375 152 Street/To Guildford
509 Walnut Grove
314 Sunbury
326 Surrey Central Station
329 Scottsdale
375 152 Street/To White Rock South
502 Surrey Central Station
05:3419:3714:03MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
320 023STC
320 Langley Centre
502 Langley Centre
595 Maple Meadows Station
320 Surrey Central Station
502 Surrey Central Station
509 Surrey Central Station
595 Langley Centre
05:4418:4312:59MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
320 034STC
320 Langley Centre
509 Walnut Grove
595 Maple Meadows Station
326 Surrey Central Station
595 Langley Centre
15:0420:3505:31MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
321 013STC
326 Guildford
341 Guildford
375 152 Street/To Guildford
341 Newton Exchange
375 152 Street/To White Rock South
509 Surrey Central Station
05:2419:5414:30MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
502 014STC
320 Fleetwood
502 Langley Centre
320 Surrey Central Station
324 132 Street/To Newton Exchange
502 Surrey Central Station
509 Surrey Central Station
06:0619:3313:27MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
502 055STC
324 132 Street/To Surrey Central
335 Newton Exchange
509 Walnut Grove
15:5318:5803:05MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
502 056STC
502 Langley Centre
509 Walnut Grove
335 Surrey Central Station
393 Newton Exchange
502 Surrey Central Station
14:5221:0306:11MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
502 063STC
314 Surrey Central Station
509 Walnut Grove
314 Sunbury
335 Surrey Central Station
14:3218:1303:41MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
502 075STC
320 Fleetwood
325 140 St to Surrey Central Station
509 Walnut Grove
320 Surrey Central Station
325 140 St to Newton Exchange
14:5718:3503:38MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
503 026STC
321 King George Blvd/To Surrey Central
503 Fraser Hwy Exp/Aldergrove
503 Fraser Hwy Exp/Langley Centre
321 King George Blvd/To Newton Exchange
321 King George Blvd/To White Rock South
503 Fraser Hwy Exp/Surrey Central Station
503 Fraser Hwy Exp/Surrey Central Station
562 Walnut Grove
15:1926:4211:23MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 015STC
531 Willowbrook
509 Surrey Central Station
06:1308:2102:08MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 025STC
316 116 Street/To Surrey Central Station
316 116 Street/To Scottsdale
509 Surrey Central Station
06:2409:2903:05MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 037STC
335 Newton Exchange
335 Surrey Central Station
509 Surrey Central Station
06:4309:3202:49MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 047STC
509 Surrey Central Station
07:0307:4600:43MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 075STC
501 Surrey Central Station
562 Langley Centre
501 Langley Centre
15:0118:5003:49MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 080STC
325 140 St to Surrey Central Station
509 Walnut Grove
325 140 St to Newton Exchange
14:3818:4004:02MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 090STC
509 Carvolth Exchange
595 Ridge Meadows
595 Langley Centre
15:1418:0102:47MTuWThF (1/06-4/20)
801 033STC
345 152 Street/To King George Station
562 Langley Centre
801 045STC
342 Langley Centre
562 Walnut Grove
801 073STC
509 Walnut Grove
562 Walnut Grove