640 Ladner Exchange/Scott Road Station

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640 Scott Road Station
640 Ladner Exchange

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Route diagram
Locate buses

640 Scott Road Station

direction A

640 Ladner Exchange

direction B

Trip length





620 021RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
04:2423:2719:03MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 022RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
04:3323:0718:34MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 023RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
04:4224:1919:37MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 024RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
640 Tilbury
05:1918:3313:14MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 025RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
640 Tilbury
04:4623:4719:01MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 031RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Tilbury
05:0508:0402:59MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 032RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
05:1208:2103:09MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 033RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
04:5709:1204:15MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 034RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
05:2607:5602:30MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 035RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Tilbury
05:3308:3202:59MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 036RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
05:3908:1102:32MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 037RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
06:1110:3604:25MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 038RTC
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
06:5609:3702:41MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 041RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Tilbury
13:0717:3304:26MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 042RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
12:4716:5404:07MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 043RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
13:2917:1703:48MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 044RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
13:4416:5803:14MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 045RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
13:5122:4708:56MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 046RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
640 Tilbury
14:0717:5003:43MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 047RTC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Tilbury
13:2416:3203:08MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
620 048RTC
640 Scott Rd Station via Industrial
640 Ladner Exchange via Industrial
15:2517:0901:44MTuWThF (6/24-9/01)
312 050STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Ladner Exchange
05:3124:0118:30Sa (6/24-9/01)
312 053STC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Ladner Exchange
06:3723:3616:59Sa (6/24-9/01)
312 054STC
640 Scott Rd Station
640 Ladner Exchange
06:3423:0616:32Sa (6/24-9/01)
320 019STC
320 Fleetwood
320 Langley Centre
595 Maple Meadows Station
640 Scott Rd Station
320 Surrey Central Station
320 Surrey Central Station
502 Surrey Central Station
595 Langley Centre
640 Ladner Exchange
06:1522:1716:02Sa (6/24-9/01)
312 001STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
06:4521:3714:52Su (6/24-9/01)
312 002STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
07:1525:0617:51Su (6/24-9/01)
312 003STC
310 Scottsdale
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
310 Ladner
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
07:1224:0416:52Su (6/24-9/01)
312 004STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
07:4522:3714:52Su (6/24-9/01)
312 006STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
08:0023:3715:37Su (6/24-9/01)
312 007STC
312 112 Street/To Scott Rd Station
640 Scott Rd Station
312 112 Street/To Scottsdale
640 Ladner Exchange
08:1523:0714:52Su (6/24-9/01)